Security Researchers

Si crees que has encontrado una vulnerabilidad de seguridad en alguno de nuestros sitios web, te invitamos y agradecemos mucho que lo informes a Mercado Libre.
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Última actualización 07/12/2023

Mercado Libre is committed to the security of our customers and their data. We believe that coordinated disclosure by security researchers and engaging with them, are important means to achieve our goals.
Our vulnerability disclosure program encourages security researchers to responsibly report any discovered vulnerabilities. It’s important to clarify that this program does not have a bounty table or officially offer rewards.
If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in one of our websites or applications, we welcome and greatly appreciate your reporting it to Mercado Libre
Mercado Libre handles all vulnerability reports and communication with hackers through Hackerone.


Our responsible disclosure program is designed to receive and address reports concerning security vulnerabilities that have an impact on our ecosystem. However, it's important to note that our program focuses specifically on security-related issues and does not cover functional bugs or general software improvements.

Functional bugs like the following are outside the scope of our vulnerability disclosure program:

  • Platform crashes or outages.
  • Non-functioning buttons or links.
  • Unexpected errors.
  • Minor user interface inconsistencies or visual glitches.
  • Others

We encourage individuals to submit reports regarding potential security vulnerabilities, such as weaknesses, flaws, or breaches that could compromise the security of our customers and their data.

Security Issues applicable to our vulnerability disclosure program:

  • Identification of a critical vulnerability that allows unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • Modification of information belonging to other users.
  • Vulnerabilities listed in OWASP Top Ten.
  • Discovery of a flaw that enables remote code execution on our systems.
  • And other similar issues that directly impact the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of our systems.

Your contributions help us ensure the strength and reliability of our ecosystem.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our systems secure.

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