Documentación Mercado Libre

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Última actualización 15/01/2024

Shipping capacity management

Currently, the functionality is available only to sellers with Mercado Envíos Colecta (cross_docking) and Places (xd_drop_off) from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Colombia..

Shipment Capacity Management is a tool that allows sellers to set the maximum number of shipments they can ship in a day without delays. This gives them the flexibility to organize themselves and avoid delays, either in the face of planned changes in their sales volume or unexpected situations.

Learn more about:

Also, learn how Mercado Envíos Colecta (cross_docking) works, Mercado Envíos Places (xd_drop_off) and what is Mercado Envíos 2.

This tool, in Mercado Envíos Places (xd_drop_off), is exclusively available for professional sellers in Mercado Libre, that is, for those sellers with a considerable trajectory in the platform.

Get current capacity

This endpoint allows you to GET the current configuration of a user's sending capacity:


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$USER_ID/capacity_middleend/$LOGISTIC_TYPE


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

Response with intervention delay:

         "day": "monday",
         "capacity_max": 140,
         "capacity": {
          "value": 120,
          "maximum": false
         "next_capacity": {
          "value": 110,
          "maximum": false
         "can_add_capacity": false,
         "can_subtract_capacity": true,
         "intervention" : "delay",
         "day": "tuesday",
         "capacity_max": 140,
         "capacity": {
          "value": 120,
          "maximum": false
         "next_capacity": null,
         "can_add_capacity": true,
         "can_subtract_capacity": false,
         "intervention" : "delay",
         "day": "wednesday",
         "capacity_max": 140,
         "capacity": {
          "value": 140,
          "maximum": false
         "next_capacity": null,
         "can_add_capacity": true,
         "can_subtract_capacity": false,
         "intervention" : "delay",
         "day": "thursday",
         "capacity_max": 140,
         "capacity": {
          "value": 120,
          "maximum": false
         "next_capacity": null,
         "can_add_capacity": true,
         "can_subtract_capacity": false,
         "intervention" : "delay",
         "day": "friday",
         "capacity_max": 140,
         "capacity": {
          "value": 110,
          "maximum": false 
         "next_capacity": null,
         "can_add_capacity": true,
         "can_subtract_capacity": false,
         "intervention" : "delay",
         "day": "saturday",
         "capacity_max": 140,
         "capacity": {
          "value": 120,
          "maximum": true
         "next_capacity": null,
         "can_add_capacity": true,
         "can_subtract_capacity": false,
         "intervention" : "delay",

Response with intervention early:

         "day": "monday",
         "capacity_max": null,
         "capacity": {
          "value": 120,
          "maximum": false
         "next_capacity": {
          "value": 110,
          "maximum": false
         "can_add_capacity": false,
         "can_subtract_capacity": true,
         "intervention" : "early",
         "day": "tuesday",
         "capacity_max": null,
         "capacity": {
          "value": 120,
          "maximum": false
         "next_capacity": null,
         "can_add_capacity": true,
         "can_subtract_capacity": false,
         "intervention" : "early",
         "day": "wednesday",
         "capacity_max": null,
         "capacity": {
          "value": 140,
          "maximum": false
         "next_capacity": null,
         "can_add_capacity": true,
         "can_subtract_capacity": false,
         "intervention" : "early",
         "day": "thursday",
         "capacity_max": null,
         "capacity": {
          "value": 120,
          "maximum": false
         "next_capacity": null,
         "can_add_capacity": true,
         "can_subtract_capacity": false,
         "intervention" : "early",
         "day": "friday",
         "capacity_max": null,
         "capacity": {
          "value": 110,
          "maximum": false 
         "next_capacity": null,
         "can_add_capacity": true,
         "can_subtract_capacity": false,
         "intervention" : "early",
         "day": "saturday",
         "capacity_max": null,
         "capacity": {
          "value": 120,
          "maximum": true
         "next_capacity": null,
         "can_add_capacity": true,
         "can_subtract_capacity": false,
         "intervention" : "early",

Response parameters:

  • day: Represents the day of the week to which the capability refers. Possible values are monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, and saturday.
  • capacity_min: Is the minimum capacity value allowed for that day.
  • capacity_max: Is the maximum capacity value allowed for that day.
  • capacity.value: It is the current capacity value for the day and week in which the user is.
  • capacity.maximum: Indicates if the user has selected the infinite(false) / maximum(true) capacity. In case of not having next_capacity a null is returned for this field.
  • next_capacity.value: It is the value of the configured capacity applicable for the following week.
  • next_capacity.maximum: Indicates if the user has selected the infinite(false) / maximum(true) capacity for the following week.
  • can_add_capacity: Indicates if it is possible to add additional capacity for that day. Possible values are true or false.
  • can_subtract_capacity: Indicates if it is possible to subtract capacity for that day. Possible values are true or false.
  • intervention: Describes the type of intervention the user may incur:
    • delay: delay intervention
    • early: early delivery intervention.
    • null: no intervention.

Response Status Codes

Codes Mesage Description Recommendation
200 - OK - The current configuration was obtained correctly. -
404 - Not Found not valid logistic type The user does not exist or does not have cross_docking logistics. Validate the user's user_id and logistic types.
- If the dispatch capacity is not configured, the system will not impose restrictions. However, sellers are encouraged to use this feature to optimize their deliveries and improve the customer experience.
- When a seller does not meet its dispatch capacity target, it enters an intervention state delay. During this period, there are restrictions on the ability to modify or update shipment capacity. This is done to ensure that sellers are committed to improving their performance. Once the requirements are met during the intervention period, the restrictions will be lifted, and you will be able to adjust your shipping capacity again.
- When a seller is able to dispatch more than its capacity, it delivers in an early intervention state. During this period, there are no restrictions on the ability to modify or update the dispatch capacity, the goal is for the seller to maximize their injection and set up a more accurate capacity.
For an optimal experience, we recommend you to enable the "Seller News", as this is where any relevant update or change in this process will be notified.

Update shipping capacity

This endpoint allows you to modify or update the configuration of a user's sending capacity.


curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$USER_ID/capacity_middleend/$LOGISTIC_TYPE


curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

      "capacities": [
            "day": "monday",
            "capacity": {
             "value": 120,
             "maximum": false
            "day": "tuesday",
            "capacity": {
             "value": 120,
             "maximum": false
            "day": "wednesday",
            "capacity": {
             "value": 120,
             "maximum": false
            "day": "tuesday",
            "capacity": {
             "value": 120,
             "maximum": false
            "day": "friday",
            "capacity": {
             "value": 120,
             "maximum": true
            "day": "saturday",
            "capacity": {
             "value": 120,
             "maximum": false

Response status codes

Codes Mesage Description Recommendation
200 - OK - The current configuration was obtained correctly. -
400 - Bad Request there was an error parsing the request body Error in the parameters of the request body. Validate the request body.
404 - Not Found not valid logistic type The user does not exist or does not have cross_docking logistics. Validate the user's user_id and logistic types.