Documentación Mercado Libre

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Última actualización 05/06/2023

Shipping compensations

This feature will be available on 22/02/2023 for remote logistics for just a few sellers initially. Soon will be available for MLM, MLC, MLB and MCO.

From now on, the carriers will inform Mercado Libre about the measurements of the shipping package. With these measurements, we recalculate the shipping cost and then charge the difference to the seller based on what we previously charged at checkout. This surplus to the shipping cost is called shipping compensation. See more about Shipping fees.

1. See if your shipping cost has a shipping compensation in the senders section.
2. If it does, call the get shipment compensation endpoint for more information about declared and validated costs and dimensions.
3. For free shipping items, you can take a look at how much your cost changed since we validated your declared dimensions.

Shipping costs

You can see the new array named compensations included in the Shipment cost response.


"senders": [
          "user_id": 456789,
          "cost": 177.85,
              "amount": 173.27,
              "reason": "incorrect_dimensions",
              "comment": "Incorrect package dimensions"
          "save": 76.22,
          "discounts": [
                  "rate": 0.3,
                  "type": "mandatory",
                  "promoted_amount": 76.22
      "compensation": 0

compensations: compensations calculated based on reason (i.e. incorrect dimensions).

Get shipment compensation

Consult the shipping compensation generated for a specific shipment ID.


shipment_id: the shipment unique identifier.
weight_unit: the weight unit (g, kg, lb or oz) to be considered by the response. If not parameterized, we will consider the default units defined by the seller’s country.
dimensions_unit: the dimensions unit (mm, cm, m, in or ft) to be considered by the response. If not parameterized, we will consider the default units defined by the seller’s country.


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET$SHIPMENT_ID/compensation_costs?weight_unit=$WEIGHT_UNIT&dimensions_unit=$DIMENSIONS_UNIT


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET


    "dimension_by": "seller",
    "package": {
        "declared": {
            "weight": {
                "net": 900,
                "billable": 900,
                "volumetric": 900,
                "unit": "g"
            "dimensions": {
                "length": 15,
                "width": 10,
                "height": 30,
                "unit": "cm"
            "bucket": {
                "min": 501,
                "max": 1000,
                "unit": "g"
        "validated": {
            "weight": {
                "net": 1200,
                "billable": 1200,
                "volumetric": 20,
                "unit": "g"
            "dimensions": {
                "length": 10,
                "width": 5,
                "height": 2,
                "unit": "cm"
            "bucket": {
                "min": 1001,
                "max": 1500,
                "unit": "g"
    "costs": {
        "currency_id": "USD",
        "compensation": 25,
        "declared": {
           "sender": {
               "cost": 15,
           "receiver": {
               "cost": 0,
        "validated": {
           "sender": {
               "cost": 40,
           "receiver": {
               "cost": 0,

Response fields

dimension_by: contains information about who declared the dimensions used at checkout. The declared dimensions can either be by the seller or by meli (when validated by Mercado Libre).
package: data about the declared and validated package’s weight and dimensions, alongside in which bucket (weight range) the billable weight fell into at charge time. The weight and dimension units can be parameterized according to preference.
costs: contains information about declared and validated sender and receiver costs, calculated based on the package’s declared and validated measurements, respectively. Furthermore, we use these costs to determine the final compensation cost to be charged on the seller’s behalf.
bucket: the bucket refers to the weight range on the shipping cost tables that determines the base shipping cost for the package.

Status Error Message
400 bad_request dimensions_unit must be one of [mm cm m in ft]
400 bad_request weight_unit must be one of [g kg lb oz]
404 not_found Not found shipping with id: 2074558364.
404 shipping_compensation_not_found Shipment compensation was not found.
500 internal_server_error internal server error.

Free shipping compensation

Search the free shipping compensation that is generated based on the difference between declared dimensions versus Mercado Libre's validated dimensions. These dimensions can generate a shipment compensation if they are different enough to end up in another shipping cost bucket.


item_id: the item unique identifier.
weight_unit: the weight unit (g, kg, lb or oz) to be considered by the response. If not parameterized, we will consider the default units defined by the seller’s country.
dimensions_unit: the dimensions unit (mm, cm, m, in or ft) to be considered by the response. If not parameterized, we will consider the default units defined by the seller’s country.


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET$ITEM_ID/shipping_compensation?weight_unit=$WEIGHT_UNIT&dimensions_unit=$DIMENSIONS_UNIT


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET
    "dimension_by": "seller",
    "package": {
        "declared": {
            "weights": {
                "net": 1.2,
                "billable": 1.2,
                "volumetric": 0.2,
                "unit": "kg"
            "dimensions": {
                "length": 10,
                "width": 10,
                "height": 10,
                "unit": "cm"
            "bucket": {
                "min": 1,
                "max": 1.5,
                "unit": "kg"
        "validated": {
            "weights": {
                "net": 1.8,
                "billable": 1.8,
                "volumetric": 0.6,
                "unit": "kg"
            "dimensions": {
                "length": 20,
                "width": 15,
                "height": 10,
                "unit": "cm"
            "bucket": {
                "min": 1.5,
                "max": 2.0,
                "unit": "kg"
    "costs": {
        "currency_id": "USD",
        "compensation": 25,
        "declared": {
           "sender": {
               "cost": 15,
        "validated": {
           "sender": {
               "cost": 40

dimension_by: contains information about who declared the dimensions used at checkout. The declared dimensions can either be by the seller or by meli (when validated by Mercado Libre).
package: data about the declared and validated package’s weight and dimensions, alongside in which bucket (weight range) the billable weight fell into at charge time. The weight and dimension units can be parameterized according to preference.
costs: contains information about declared and validated sender and receiver costs, calculated based on the package’s declared and validated measurements, respectively. Furthermore, we use these costs to determine the final compensation cost to be charged on the seller’s behalf.
bucket: the bucket refers to the weight range on the shipping cost tables that determines the base shipping cost for the package.

Status Error Message
400 bad_request dimensions_unit must be one of [mm cm m in ft]
400 bad_request weight_unit must be one of [g kg lb oz]
404 item_not_found The item was not found.
404 validated_dimensions_not_found Item validated dimensions were not found.
422 item_not_free_shipping Item is not free shipping.
500 internal_server_error internal server error