Documentación Mercado Libre

Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
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Última actualización 26/02/2024


Mercado Libre's commercial team periodically sends sellers invitations to participate in the commercial campaigns that take place in each marketplace. In this guide, you will learn the easiest and fastest way to submit, edit, delete and get information about deals submitted to a commercial campaign. Keep in mind that only sellers with a green reputation can submit deals.

Get campaigns details

To see the details of a campaign, you should send the marketplace user_id as well as the deal_id you wish to query.


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET$PROMOTION_ID?promotion_type=DEAL&user_id=$USER_ID
--header 'version: v2' \
--header 'X-Client-Id: \
--header 'X-Caller-Id: \


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET '' --header 'version: v2' \
--header 'X-Client-Id: 1317417907' \
--header 'X-Caller-Id: 1317417907' \


    "id": "P-MLM13757022",
    "type": "DEAL",
    "status": "started",
    "start_date": "2024-01-29T06:00:00Z",
    "finish_date": "2024-02-12T06:00:00Z",
    "deadline_date": "2024-02-11T06:00:00Z",
    "name": "Ano nuevo chino"


Find below the different traditional campaign statuses:

Status Description
pending Promotion approved but not yet started.
started Active promotion.
finished Finished promotion.

Check Campaign Items

To get all the items included in a campaign, you should send the marketplace useer_id and the deal_id.


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET$PROMOTION_ID?/items?user_id=$USER_ID
--header 'version: v2' \
--header 'X-Client-Id: \
--header 'X-Caller-Id: \


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET 
'' \
--header 'version: v2' \
--header 'X-Client-Id: 1317417907' \
--header 'X-Caller-Id: 1317417907' \


    "results": [
            "id": "MLM2760672650",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 35,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 10.5
            "id": "MLM2199514002",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 70,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 21
            "id": "MLM2184798066",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 30,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 9
            "id": "MLM2184785146",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 20,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 6
            "id": "MLM2184694464",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 100,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 30
            "id": "MLM2184694462",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 90,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 27
            "id": "MLM2184629206",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 110,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 33
            "id": "MLM2184629204",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 32,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 9.6
            "id": "MLM2184616078",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 130,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 39
            "id": "MLM2183927324",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 700,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 210
            "id": "MLM2183927322",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 50,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 15
            "id": "MLM2183693560",
            "status": "started",
            "price": 65.8,
            "original_price": 70,
            "currency_id": "USD"
            "id": "MLM2172266146",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 12,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 3.6
            "id": "MLM2132031350",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 12,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 3.6
            "id": "MLM2132031328",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 12,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 3.6
            "id": "MLM2131927804",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 60,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 18
            "id": "MLM1991842995",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 12,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 3.6
            "id": "MLM1886904585",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 12,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 3.6
            "id": "MLM1886904569",
            "status": "candidate",
            "price": 25,
            "original_price": 0,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "min_discounted_price": 7.5
    "paging": {
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 50,
        "total": 19,
        "searchAfter": ""

Item status

The table below shows the possible item status in this type of campaign.

Status Description
candidate Item eligible for deal.
pending Item sent to deal but not started.
started Item with deal already started.
finished Item deleted from campaign

Submit an item to a campaign"

For applying to a campaign you should send the item_id and desired price as well as the marketplace user_id of the country in which you want to participate in.


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -d 
   "promotion_id": "DEAL",
   "deal_price": "$DEAL_PRICE",
   "promotion_type": "$PROMOTION_TYPE",

The fields regular_price and deal_price should be in US dollars.


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X POST 

'' \
--header 'version: v2' \
--header 'X-Client-Id: 1317417907' \
--header 'X-Caller-Id: 1317417907' \
--data '{
   "promotion_id": "P-MLM13757022",
   "deal_price": 15,
   "promotion_type": "DEAL"


    "price": 15,
    "original_price": 35,
    "currency_id": "USD"

The fields price and original_price are in US dollars.


  • deal_price: items price in the promotion.
  • top_deal_price: item price for best buyers, with Mercado Puntos level 3 to 6 (it is optional to report this price).
  • promotion_id: promotion identification.
  • promotion_type: type of promotion (DEAL).

Edit a deal in a campaign

To edit a deal of a certain campaign you should send the deal_id, item_id and desired price as well as the marketplace user_id of the country where the campaign takes place.


curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -d 
   "promotion_id": "DEAL",
   "deal_price": "$DEAL_PRICE",
   "promotion_type": "$PROMOTION_TYPE",


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'  -X PUT curl 

'' \
--header 'version: v2' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \

--data '{
   "promotion_id": "P-MLM13757022",
   "deal_price": 14,
   "promotion_type": "DEAL"

The fields regular_price and deal_price are expressed in US dollars.


   "price": 14,
   "original_price": 35,
   "currency_id": "USD"

The fields price and original_price are expressed in US dollars.

Delete a deal from a campaign

If you wish to remove an item from a campaign, you should send the item_id, the deal_id and the promotion_type. You’ll also need the marketplace user_id of the site where the campaign is active.


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X DELETE$ITEM_ID?user_id=$USER_ID&promotion_type=$PROMOTION_TYPE&deal_id=$DEAL_ID


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X DELETE 

'' \
--header 'version: v2' \
--header 'X-Client-Id: 1317417907' \
--header 'X-Caller-Id: 1317417907' \

This method just returns a status_code 200 if it was processed as expected.

Next: Co-Funded Campaigns