Documentación Mercado Libre

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Última actualización 14/03/2023

Recommendations for photo quality

This API will be available on 2023, March 27th.

With the following resources you can search items according to their image quality certification status (CERTIFIED, NOT_CERTIFIED or UNDER_REVIEW), and see the conditions for improving the image of the listing and get certified. Listings with CERTIFIED status appear in the top positions in buyers' searches, giving the listing better exposure and quality.

Requirements for photos

You must follow photo quality to have better positioning in the search listings according to the product:

Search for items by certification status

To identify if the listing has been through the quality certification process, you should use the /picture-certifier/integrator/items resource. This resource will allow you to search by status, being able to identify whether the seller’s listings photos are not certified (NOT_CERTIFIED) or certified (CERTIFIED), or are photos that are under review (UNDER_REVIEW).



offset/limit (optional): if not sent will be taken as default values: offset=0 and limit=500


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$STATUS&offset=0&limit=500

Example to filter listings with not certified photos (NOT_CERTIFIED):

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


    "seller_id": 1161434913,
    "items": [
    "paging": {
        "limit": 500,
        "offset": 0,
        "total": 4
    "item_status": "NOT_CERTIFIED"

Example to filter listings with certified photos (CERTIFIED):

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


   "seller_id": 1161434913,
   "items": [
   "paging": {
       "limit": 500,
       "offset": 0,
       "total": 2
   "item_status": "CERTIFIED"

Example to filter listings with photos that are found in the review process (UNDER_REVIEW):

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


   "seller_id": 1161434913,
   "items": [
   "paging": {
       "limit": 500,
       "offset": 0,
       "total": 1
   "item_status": "UNDER_REVIEW"

Fields description

  • seller_id: id of the seller.
  • Items: id of the listings that meet the search criteria (STATUS).
  • item_status: status of the listings with quality validation (CERTIFIED, NOT CERTIFIED, UNDER_REVIEW).

How to improve the item's photos

Once you have identified the listings with NOT CERTIFIED photos, you can check the conditions to get the item to have certified quality photos.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID?locale=en_US

If you consult an item that does not belong to fashion, you will receive WITHOUT_PROCESSING status in the response.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

Response for listings with not certified photos:

    "status": "NOT_CERTIFIED",
    "reason": "Correct the problems in your first photo to stand out in the search results and sell more:
  • Make sure the shoes are clean and with the laces correctly placed.
  • The product must not appear cut off or touching the borders of the image.
  • Use a white, beige or light gray background, without different tones or textures, highlighting the product.
How to take pictures for FOOTWEAR", "conditions": [ { "id": "clean_product_foot" }, { "id": "complete_product_foot" }, { "id": "right_orientation_foot" }, { "id": "correct_background_foot" } ] }

Fields description

  • status: status of the publication with regard to the validation of the educational track. (CERTIFIED, NOT_ CERTIFIED, UNDER_REVIEW).
  • reason: if the status is NOT_ CERTIFIED, it shows the reason why the listing does not comply with the quality validation and the actions that the seller must do on the image to change the status.
  • conditions: refers to the detail of the conditions for which the listing was not certified, for example: correct_background_acc means that the image does not have a correct background and illumination_acc that it does not have an adequate illumination.