Documentación Mercado Libre

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Última actualización 28/12/2022

Quarantine Process

What is Quarantine?

The quarantine process is the monitoring and identification of violations related to our Developer Partner Program aligned to the Terms and Conditions, as well as the actions and sanctions to be executed once identified.
This process is divided into 3 parts: Pre-quarantine, Quarantine and Post-quarantine.

Any integrator that is part of Mercado Libre's Developer Partner Program is subject to the rules and sanctions described below. No exceptions.

Macro process


The quarantine process is initiated when a violation is identified by the partner.

This violation may be due to a metric that is below expectations, a gradual lowering of the medal until the partner loses certification, or it may be the result of an action taken by the partner that negatively impacted one or more vendors or situations such as fraud, disclosure of sensitive data, etc.

Once the violation is identified, the partner will receive a formal communication and the responsible Tech Partner will be contacted to analyze the situation and try to reverse it immediately. However, if there is no way to reverse it, the partner will be quarantined.

The severity of the infraction may lead the partner directly to quarantine or post-quarantine (and may never again become a certified partner), if the problem is not solved within the stipulated timeframe, sanctions will be applied.


The partner will receive a formal notice of quarantine and the following sanctions will be applied:

  • temporary withdrawal of certification;
  • temporary withdrawal of benefit linked.

From that moment on, the partner will have a term stipulated by Mercado Libre (maximum 40 calendar days) to revert the situation that placed it in quarantine, as well as all the negative impacts caused.

The Tech Partner responsible for the partner will help him/her as needed and will also accompany him/her throughout the process to monitor the deadlines.

In case the partner reverses the situation within the deadline, the partner will remain without certification and its respective benefits for at least one quarter (up to two quarters). At the end of this period, Mercado Libre will validate the metrics and return the certification as well as the corresponding meda.

Mercado Libre reserves the right to define the term according to the seriousness of the infringement committed by the integrator. This term will be stipulated and formally communicated to the partner.


In case the partner does not reverse the situation within the stipulated period, after the expiration date, the following sanctions will be applied:

  • withdrawal of certification for an indefinite period of time
  • withdrawal of benefits tied for an indefinite period of time
  • general communication to Mercado Libre's internal teams about the loss of the partner certification
  • communicated to all vendors linked to the partner about the loss of certification
  • mentoring and migration of strategic vendors to other partners
The integrator may go through the quarantine process a maximum of, two times. However, the second time the terms will be more severe. In the case of a third passive quarantine infraction, the integrator may lose its definitive certification; upon completing 12 months without committing infractions, the counter will be zero.

In case the integrator wants to be certified again, it must go through the certification process as if it were a new integrator. This process may only be initiated 12 months after the situation has been reverted , counting from the date of the formal communication of the quarantine entry. Mercado Libre reserves the right to decide the eligibility of the integrator at the moment it decides to enter again. If it is not strategic for Mercado Libre, the integrator will not be certified. As is already the case with other integrators.

Mercado Libre undertakes to formally communicate any alteration to the process.

Learn about the benefits that await you and remain a certified integrator.

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