Documentación Mercado Libre

Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
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Última actualización 26/04/2024

Start testing

Once you get an access token, you can create a global and marketplace test user, buy, sell between test users and simulate the same actions allowed for a real user among test users without paying for any charges or getting penalties, without jeopardizing a real user’s reputation. Learn more about the type of users.

- All test operations must be made out with test users. Remember that personal accounts should not be used for testing.
- Keep your credential for the future. You can not recover your password or personal data for the login.
-All test operations must be made out with test users. Remember that personal accounts should not be used for testing.

Create a global test user


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 



Great! On the response you get the User_id, Nickname, Password and current status of your new test user.

By default, the country of origin for CBT users is US, in the case of wanting to use China as origin, the following request must be sent:

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d
   "site_id": "CBT",
   "country_id": "CN"   



Create a marketplace test user

In addition, you can create marketplace test users, in order to be able to do end-to-end tests, buying and selling between these.


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-type: application/json" -d


   "id": 720984821,
   "nickname": "TETE4387547",
   "password": "qatest5129",
   "site_status": "active",
   "email": ""


When working with test users, you need to take into account the following considerations:

  • Once you have created the test user for a global seller, you have to access global-selling to configure the marketplace account’s.
  • You can create up to 10 test users with your Mercado Libre account and these cannot be eliminated by the user, nor by Mercado Libre.
  • Test users won’t be active for too long, but once they expire, you can create new ones.
  • List under the “Others” category as much as possible.
  • Test users can simulate operations only with listings from other test users: they can only buy, sell, ask questions, etc., in test list, created by test accounts.
  • Test users showing no activity (buy, ask, publish, etc.) during 60 days are immediately removed.
  • Test items are removed regularly.
  • The email's validation code for test users will be equal to the last digits of the user ID and can have 4 or 6 digits. For example, for user ID 653764425, the code could be 764425.

Buy and sell between test users

Remember that tests on the platform and all transactions must be done with test users. In addition, personal accounts should not contain ads. If you want to simulate purchases between test users, you could use our test cards. Remember that testing on the platform and all transactions must be done between test users. In addition, personal accounts must not contain listings for this purpose.


- The data to be uploaded is fictitious and, for security reasons, we do not add the names of the banks on the cards available for testing purposes.

- When you access the test card link, you will need to change the URL to the URL of the country you are in. Please note that the link will only be available for countries where Mercado Pago is active.

- To test different payment results, fill in the desired payment status in the cardholder's first and last name when making the purchase. For example, if you want the payment to be approved, you must enter "APRO APRO".

Next: Application and permissions.