Documentación Mercado Libre

Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
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Última actualización 19/08/2024

Developer Partner Programs

The Developer Partner Program helps us to maintain good use of our open platform in order to certify applications so that thousands of global vendors operate in Mercado Libre in a simple and secure way. Look at the requirements we have to certify an application and the benefits that you can achieve once you are certified as part of our community.


The following requirements are needed for all those integrators which wish to achieve the certified degree.

General requirements

  • Single App_id: This means One App_id to manage all the accounts integrated to your application (unification process).
  • Security assessment: This is a set of preventive and reactive practices and measures to guarantee the protection of information. This happens based on three fundamental pillars, confidentiality, integrity and availability (presentation).
  • Acceptance of Global Selling Developers Terms and Conditions.
  • GMV(e) requirement

    One of the requirements to be a certified application will be to meet a monthly quota of GMV (e) measured by quarter.

    Integrator LEVEL Certified Silver Gold Platinum
    GMV Req USD (Q) $10,000 $400,000 $4,000,000 $10,000,000

    - GMV (e) is the monthly billing in dollars of active users.
    - Active users, users who have been interacting with our API by your application during the last 3 months with a minimum of 100 successful requests per month.

    Active User requirement

    An application will achieve this requirement once it has at least 2 users interacting consuming API resources by your application during the last 3 months.


    If your application is certified you will be able to:

    Integrator LEVEL Certified Silver Gold Platinum
    Access to support via ticket YES YES YES YES
    Listed in App-Store YES YES YES YES
    Direct contact to Partner Development No YES YES YES
    Listed in Corp Wechat No No YES YES
    Feacture Wishlist No No No YES

    Prioritized approval:
    • Regular Approval: SLA 14 days, seller need to answer questions by email
    • Prioritized approval: SLA 10 days, KAM will call seller directly to confirm registration applications

    • Access to support via ticket: access to create a ticket and get support via mail.
      Listed in OP Partner Center: Be part of our Partner Center
      Direct contact to Partner Development: Partner development team
      Listed in Corp Wechat: Currently we have an open channel with strategic partners at wechat.
      Feature Wishlist: Suggest new functions or access to certain APIs endpoints to be considered.