Documentación Mercado Libre

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Última actualización 21/03/2023

Fulfillment stock

This resource is available in Mexico and Chile where there is Fulfillment.

Now you can check the current stock of the items managed by fulfillment, as well as the operations and movements that modify it.

Get the inventory_id

To query the stock and the operations of the item in fulfillment, you must first get the inventory_id which is the code that identifies the item when it is in fulfillment. For this, consult the inventory_id through the /marketplace/items resource.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


    "id": "MLM731281338",
    "site_id": "MLM",
    "date_created": "2019-10-24T13:57:07Z",
    "title": "Precios Cruzados De Teléfono Móvil",
    "descriptions": [],
    "listing_type_id": "gold_pro",
    "permalink": "",
    "shipping": {},
    "status": "active",
    "sub_status": [],
    "tags": [],
    "warranty": "Sin garantía",
    "catalog_product_id": null,
    "domain_id": "MLM-CELLPHONES",
    "international_delivery_mode": "none",
    "inventory_id": "",
    "category_id": "MLM1055",
    "official_store_id": null,
    "sold_quantity": 54,
    "available_quantity": 425,
    "last_updated": "2020-08-21T20:29:11.137Z",
    "seller_id": 481246451,
    "price": 101,
    "currency_id": "USD",
    "base_exchange_rate": 22.63,
    "user_logistic_type": "fulfillment",
    "owner_id": 0,
    "cbt_item_id": "CBT910331676",
    "variations": [
            "id": 45339522560,
            "price": 101,
            "currency_id": "USD",
            "attribute_combinations": [
                    "id": "COLOR",
                    "name": "Color",
                    "value_id": "52019",
                    "value_name": "Verde oscuro",
                    "value_struct": null,
                    "values": [
                            "id": "52019",
                            "name": "Verde oscuro",
                            "struct": null
            "available_quantity": 421,
            "sold_quantity": 54,
            "sale_terms": [],
            "picture_ids": [
            "seller_custom_field": null,
            "catalog_product_id": null,
            "inventory_id": "RJMD90854",
            "item_relations": []
When the item has variations, it will have an id of inventory_id per variation.

Check the seller's stock

Also, you can check the total stock of a seller in all Fulfillment warehouses and know the status of the unavailable parts.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$INVENTORY_ID/stock/fulfillment?seller_id=$SELLER_ID


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


    "inventory_id": "TKQK18938",
    "total": 20,
    "available_quantity": 5,
    "not_available_quantity": 15,
            "status": "damage",
            "quantity": 2
            "status": "lost",
            "quantity": 1
            "status": "noFiscalCoverage",
            "quantity": 5
            "status": "withdrawal",
            "quantity": 5
            "status": "internal_process",
            "quantity": 1
            "status": "transfer",
            "quantity": 1
    "external_references": [
        "type": "item",
        "id": "MLM790582929",
        "variation_id": 59167987634
The query date returns until day -1. In this case, it returns operations from 06/29 to 07/27, that is, it does not include the 28th.

Response fields

total: is the sum of the available_quantity and not_available_quantity fields.
available_quantity: quantity of items available for sale.
not_available_quantity: total items that are not available for sale.
not_available_detail: detail of the status of the items that are not available.

  • damaged: total of damaged items (includes damaged seller, meli and carrier).
  • lost: total items that were lost and not found.
  • withdrawal: total items reserved for pick up.

internal_process: total of items reserved by quality processes of the warehouse.
transfer: total reserved to be transferred deposit.
noFiscalCoverage: total items that are not for sale because they do not have tax coverage.
notSupported: all items entered are unidentifiable or unprocessable.
external_references: information on the relationship of the inventory with the marketplace publication, and an identification of the type.
type: type of relationship between publication and stored stock.
id: identifier of the item related to the inventory.
variation_id: identifier of the variation associated with the inventory.


Response with error:

    "status": 403,
    "error": "forbidden",
    "message": "User 281349747 cannot access to seller_product ESZJ28231",
    "cause": []

Possible errors

Status Mensaje Error Descripción
404 Inventory not found with id: ESZJ28232 seller_product_not_found The requested inventory cannot be found
400 The field inventory_id has an invalid value validation_error Invalid parameter
403 The caller is not authorized to access this resource forbidden The caller is not authorized to access the resource
401 No autorizado unauthorized The caller is not authenticated on the platform
429 Too many request too_many_request The user has exceeded the number of requests allowed per minute
500 Internal server error internal_error Internal error to get the information

Check the detail of stock not available

This resource returns additional information about the units stored in full that are not available for sale, describing certain attributes or particular conditions of these.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$INVENTORY_ID/stock/fulfillment?include_attributes=conditions&seller_id=$SELLER_ID


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


  "inventory_id": "YLXH33638",
  "total": 20,
  "available_quantity": 5,
  "not_available_quantity": 15,
  "not_available_detail": [
      "status": "damaged",
      "quantity": 2,
      "conditions": [
          "condition": "arrived_damaged",
          "quantity": 1
          "condition": "damaged_in_full",
          "quantity": 1  (meli+carrier)
      "status": "lost",
      "quantity": 1
      "status": "notSupported",
      "quantity": 3,
      "conditions": [
          "condition": "dimensions_exceeds",
          "quantity": 1
          "condition": "flammable",
          "quantity": 1
          "condition": "multiple_identifier",
          "quantity": 1

damaged, notSupported, lost, withdrawal, no_fiscal_coverage, internal_process and transfer are the possible statuses.

The statuses with additional information are:

Damaged: It provides information on the damaged units stored in the warehouse that allows integrators to act according to whether they are damaged in warehouse or if they arrived damaged.
Not supported: Provides information on not supported (NS) products in stock, that is, products that cannot be put on sale due to an identification problem or because they belong to unsuitable categories.

Know the conditions by which we identify a product as damaged or does not meet the requirements to enter the Fulfillment center. It also applies to products entered and that we subsequently detect a problem.

Status Not available Condition Product description
damaged arrived_damaged Arrived damaged by seller
damaged_in_full It is damaged within the warehouse or by the carrier (carrier)
not supportted dimensions_exceeds Exceeds the permitted storage dimensions of the Fulfillment center
expiration_problem Had a problem related to its expiration
package_problem There is no packaging or it is not appropriate for the Fulfillment center
flammable It is flammable or explosive
regulation_problem Does not comply with the regulations for the type of product, for example, health seal
other Any condition not specified in the previous points
multiple_identifier Has the universal code duplicated (EAN)
empty_identifier Has no seller ID/tag or no EAN in the Fulfillment center database
multiple_sku You have two or more Mercado Libre SKUs
invalid_identifier It has the wrong universal code
return_problem It was returned by the buyer for not meeting the quality specified in the sale

Receive stock notifications from Fulfillment

Configure your application with Mercado Libre notifications and you will be able to choose the marketplace_fbm_stock option to subscribe to fulfillment stock notifications.

Check operations

Get the list of stock operations for a particular inventory_id.


inventory_id: comma separated list of identifiers.
seller_id: seller identifier.
date_from: search start date. If you don't define it in the GET, by default it is 15 days.
date_to: search end date. If you don't define it in the GET, by default it is the current date.
type: operation type (inbound_reception, sale_confirmation, etc.)

  • external_references.shipment_id: identifier of the shipment to the buyer.

limit: number of records to return per results “page”.
sort: field identifier and search order.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SELLER_ID&inventory_id=$INVENTORY_ID&date_from=$aaammdd&date_to=$aaammdd


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

Example with filters:

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


    "paging": {
        "total": 4,
        "scroll": ""
    "results": [
            "id": 306811273,
            "seller_id": 384324657,
            "inventory_id": "DEHW09303",
            "date_created": "2020-06-18T18:43:26Z",
            "type": "ADJUSTMENT",
            "detail": {
                "available_quantity": -5,
                "not_available_quantity": 5,
                "not_available_detail": [
                        "status": "lost",
                        "quantity": 5
            "result": {
                "total": 100,
                "available_quantity": 95,
                "not_available_quantity": 5,
                "not_available_detail": [
                        "status": "lost",
                        "quantity": 5
            "external_references": []
            "id": 306745917,
            "seller_id": 384324657,
            "inventory_id": "DEHW09303",
            "date_created": "2020-06-18T18:15:13Z",
            "type": "SALE_CANCELATION",
            "detail": {
                "available_quantity": 10,
                "not_available_detail": []
            "result": {
                "total": 100,
                "available_quantity": 100,
                "not_available_quantity": 0,
                "not_available_detail": []
            "external_references": [
                    "type": "shipment_id",
                    "value": "28312959315"
            "id": 306718974,
            "seller_id": 384324657,
            "inventory_id": "DEHW09303",
            "date_created": "2020-06-18T18:02:33Z",
            "type": "SALE_CONFIRMATION",
            "detail": {
                "available_quantity": -10,
                "not_available_detail": []
            "result": {
                "total": 90,
                "available_quantity": 90,
                "not_available_quantity": 0,
                "not_available_detail": []
            "external_references": [
                    "type": "shipment_id",
                    "value": "28312961122"
            "id": 306705012,
            "seller_id": 384324657,
            "inventory_id": "DEHW09303",
            "date_created": "2020-06-18T17:55:42Z",
            "type": "INBOUND_RECEPTION",
            "detail": {
                "available_quantity": 100,
                "not_available_detail": []
            "result": {
                "total": 100,
                "available_quantity": 100,
                "not_available_quantity": 0,
                "not_available_detail": []
            "external_references": [
                    "type": "inbound_id",
                    "value": "0001"

    "filters": [],
    "available_filters": [],
    "available_sort": [],
    "sort": [],
    "available_sorts": []


  • In the search for operations, the maximum query range is 60 days
  • The date filter is not mandatory, but if you do not put them, bring the last 15 days
  • Example with available filters:

    "available_filters": [
                "id": "inventory_id",
                "name": "Inventory  id"
                "id": "date_from",
                "name": "Date created from"

    Example with selected filters:

    "filters": {
               "id": "inventory_id",
                "name": "Inventory  id"
                "values": [

    Possible errors

    Response with error:

        "status": 403,
        "message": "User 281349747 cannot access to inventory ESZJ28231",
        "error": "forbidden",
        "cause": []

    Errors examples

    Status Message Error Description
    400 The field ‘seller_id’ is required validation_error The seller_id parameter is not found
    400 The field ‘type’ has an invalid value validation_error Invalid parameter
    400 The limit param must be greater than 0 validation_error The request limit parameter must be greater than 0
    400 Date range can’t be greater than “60” days validation_error The date range exceeds the limit allowed by days
    400 The field date_from and date_to are required validation_error The date_from and date_to fields are required
    400 The field date_from and date_to are required validation_error The date_from field cannot be greater than or equal to the date_to field
    403 Access denied for user 30265782 forbidden The caller is not authorized to access the resource
    401 No autorizado unauthorized
    429 Too many request too_many_request The user has exceeded the number of requests allowed per minute
    500 Internal server error internal_error Intern error

    Search mode by scroll

    Work with scroll + limit

    El scroll it is used to get the list of stock operations for a particular inventory_id.

    El limit is the number of records to return per "page" of results and scroll is the attribute that allows the results to be paged. To use it you must:

    • Get a scroll field in the result that expires after 5 minutes.
    • Add to the query the scroll obtained in the first GET. If you don't use the limit parameter, by default the maximum 1000 results per page is set.

    Request to check the operations:

    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SELLER_ID&inventory_id=$INVENTORY_ID&date_from=$aaammdd&date_to=$aaammdd



    We add the scroll obtained in the previous step:

    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SELLER_ID&inventory_id=$INVENTORY_ID&date_from=$aaammdd&date_to=$aaammdd&scroll=YXBpY29yZS1pdGVtcw==:ZHMtYXBpY29yZS1pdGVtcy0wMQ==:DXF1ZXJ5QW5kRmV0Y2gBAAAAABIu7AgWMXl6anF3SU5SMVNaQXFxTkZubHBqQQ==

    To continue getting the next pages of results, just do the same GET until you reach the end. Only when scroll = null means that we reached the end and there are no more results.

    Check operations with ID

    You can obtain the details of a particular operation executed on the stock that the seller has stored in the Fulfillment warehouses.


    operation_id: operation id identifier


    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$OPERATION_ID


    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


        "id": "329663159",
        "seller_id": 404584692,
        "inventory_id": "FIWU34511"
        "date_created": "2020-06-29T13:45:13Z"
        "type": "SALE_CONFIRMATION"
               "available_quantity": -1
               "total": 1
               "available_quantity": 0
                "status": "damaged",
                "quantity": 1,
          "type": "shipment_id",
          "value": "28518304587",

    Errors example

    Status Message Error Description
    400 Invalid operation_id abc34567 invalid_param Invalid parameter
    403 The caller is not authorized to access this resource forbidden The caller is not authorized to access the resource
    401 No autorizado unauthorized The caller is not authenticated on the platform
    404 Operation not found not_found The requested operation cannot be found
    500 Internal server error internal_error Internal error when obtaining the information

    La fecha de consulta retorna hasta el día -1. En este caso, retorna las operaciones desde el 29/06 hasta el 27/07, o sea no incluye el día 28.

    Response fields


    • limit: number of records to return per “page” of results. By default it will be 1000
    • scroll: scroll id from which the search continues. When it returns scroll = null means that it has no more records on the next page. The scroll rules are:
    • - In the result you get a scroll_id field that expires in 5 minutes.
      - You must add the same scroll_id to the query of the field obtained previously.
      - If you don´t use the limit parameter, it will return 1000 operations of the total by default. You can add a maximum limit of 1000.
      - To continue getting the next pages of results, just do the same GET to the request until you reach the end of the list.

      results: list of operations found.

      • id: identifier of the stock operation
      • seller_id: identifier of the seller who owns the inventory
      • inventory_id: product identifier in the warehouse
      • date_created: creation date of the operation (type date UTC)
      • type: type of operation executed (income, sale, sale canceled, etc.)

      result: stock status

      • available_quantity: quantity of products available for sale.
      • not_available_quantity: total of products that are not available.
      • not_available_detail: detail of the status of the different unavailable units.

      status: item status not available.
      quantity: number of items in the assigned state.
      external_references: references to the entities that generate the operation.

      • type: type of external reference, they can be:
      • shipment_id: identifier of the shipment to the buyer.

      Operations types

      These types of operations reflect the interactions of the different flows in the stored units.


      inbound_reception Ingreso de stock: The inbound process makes units available for sale at the end of the income stream. They can have:
      Entry of units that arrived damaged.


      sale_confirmation: confirms the reservation of units for sale.
      sale_cancelation: cancel the reservation of units for sale.
      sale_delivery_cancelation: it was not possible to deliver to the buyer and returns to the deposit.
      sale_return: sales return by buyer.


      This is the seller's withdrawal request.

      withdrawal_reservation: reserve units for a stock picked.
      withdrawal_cancelation: total or partial cancellation of withdrawal reservation, the reservation of units for a stock picked is canceled.
      withdrawal_delivery: the seller physically pick up the reserved units.
      withdrawal_removal: stock removed by abandon withdrawal.


      It is about the internal management of the stock by Mercado Libre, not the seller.

      transfer_reservation: units are reserved for a multi-warehouse transfer or pick up.
      transfer_ajustment: after inspecting the units, the quality status is determined and restocked as available or damaged.
      transfer_delivery: enter the units in transfer.


      It's about internal management over quality control.

      quarantine_reservation: They reserve units by the quality area for inspection.
      quarantine_restock: After inspecting the units, determine the quality status and restock as available or damaged.
      lost_refund: permanent cancellation of lost units (refunded).
      damaged_removal: removed and reimbursed for units damaged in FULL.

      Removal QA

      This is an internally driven retreat.

      removal_reservation: after inspecting the units, the quality status is determined and they are retired.
      removal_completion: units with poor quality status are eliminated.

      Stock adjustments

      ajustement: internal stock adjustments generated by the operation.

      Next: Pictures.