Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.Documentación
Campaigns, Ads and Metrics
Get seller’s reputation
Mercado Ads is available only for sellers with yellow or green reputation. So, you can check the seller reputation with the /users API. See more How does Reputation work.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"user_id": 1234,
"site_id": "CBT",
"seller_reputation": [
"user_id": 5678,
"site_id": "MLM",
"logistic_type": "remote",
"seller_reputation": {
"level_id": "5_green",
"power_seller_status": "gold",
"transactions": {
"canceled": 81,
"completed": 601,
"period": "historic",
"ratings": {
"negative": 0.04,
"neutral": 0.02,
"positive": 0.94
"total": 682
"metrics": {
"sales": {
"period": "60 days",
"completed": 219
"claims": {
"period": "60 days",
"rate": 0.0166,
"value": 4
"delayed_handling_time": {
"period": "60 days",
"rate": 0.0877,
"value": 20
"cancellations": {
"period": "60 days",
"rate": 0,
"value": 1
"user_id": 33355,
"site_id": "MLC",
"logistic_type": "remote",
"seller_reputation": {
"level_id": null,
"power_seller_status": null,
"transactions": {
"canceled": 3,
"completed": 6,
"period": "historic",
"ratings": {
"negative": 0.09,
"neutral": 0.03,
"positive": 0.88
"total": 9
"metrics": {
"sales": {
"period": "365 days",
"completed": 6
"claims": {
"period": "365 days",
"rate": 0,
"value": 1
"delayed_handling_time": {
"period": "365 days",
"rate": 0,
"value": 7
"cancellations": {
"period": "365 days",
"rate": 0,
"value": 0
"user_id": 123123,
"site_id": "MLB",
"logistic_type": "remote",
"seller_reputation": {
"level_id": null,
"power_seller_status": null,
"transactions": {
"canceled": 2,
"completed": 7,
"period": "historic",
"ratings": {
"negative": 0.31,
"neutral": 0,
"positive": 0.69
"total": 9
"metrics": {
"sales": {
"period": "365 days",
"completed": 7
"claims": {
"period": "365 days",
"rate": 0,
"value": 0
"delayed_handling_time": {
"period": "365 days",
"rate": 0,
"value": 1
"cancellations": {
"period": "365 days",
"rate": 0,
"value": 1
"user_id": 678768,
"site_id": "MCO",
"logistic_type": "remote",
"seller_reputation": {
"level_id": null,
"power_seller_status": null,
"transactions": {
"canceled": 5,
"completed": 4,
"period": "historic",
"ratings": {
"negative": 1,
"neutral": 0,
"positive": 0
"total": 9
"metrics": {
"sales": {
"period": "365 days",
"completed": 4
"claims": {
"period": "365 days",
"rate": 0,
"value": 0
"delayed_handling_time": {
"period": "365 days",
"rate": 0,
"value": 1
"cancellations": {
"period": "365 days",
"rate": 0.5555,
"value": 5
Get user campaigns
To get information about campaigns from users, please send the marketplace user_id as param.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$USER_ID/campaigns
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"campaigns": [{
"id": 223493019,
"name": "Campanha Principal",
"user_id": 348252660,
"status": "active",
"daily_budget": 225,
"acos_target": 15.0,
"strategy": "visibility"
"last_update": "2018-08-23T18:31:11.897Z",
"creation_date": "2018-08-23T18:31:11.897Z",
"acos_top_search_target": 30
Response fields
id: campaign id.
name: campaign name. You can give a name, assign a daily budget and manage it according to your goals.
user_id: marketplace user with this campaign
status: campaign status. It can be: active or paused.
daily_budget: daily money amount to campaign. Value expressed in USD.
acos_target: ACOS is the advertising cost of sales. The ACOS target is the percentage of the cost of the campaign/advertisement in relation to the revenue obtained. It is a key data to understand the return on your advertising investment. For example, if your ACOS is 10%, it means that you invest $10 for every $100 that you generate from sales with advertisement.
strategy: type of strategy campaign. It can be: profitability, increase or visibility.
last_update: last date update of the campaign. The time zone is GMT -3.
creation_date: creation date of the campaign. The time zone is GMT -3.
acos_top_search_target: It is the ACOS (Advertising Cost of Sales) target defined for a campaign in order to bid specifically for the top search results.
Get campaign details
To get information about a campaign, send the campaign_id as a param achieved with the previous endpoint.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$CAMPAIGN_ID
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"id": 223493019,
"name": "Campanha Principal",
"user_id": 348252660,
"status": "active",
"daily_budget": 225,
"acos_target": 15.0,
"strategy": "visibility"
"last_update": "2018-08-23T18:31:11.897Z",
"creation_date": "2018-08-23T18:31:11.897Z",
Create a new campaign
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -d
"name": "Campanha Principal",
"user_id": 348252660,
"daily_budget": 225,
"acos_target": 15.0,
"strategy": "visibility"
"channel": "marketplace",
“acos_top_search_target”: 30
"id": 223493019,
"name": "Campanha Principal",
"user_id": 348252660,
"status": "active",
"daily_budget": 225,
"acos_target": 15.0,
"strategy": "visibility"
"last_update": "2018-08-23T18:31:11.897Z"
"creation_date": "2018-08-23T18:31:11.897Z"
“acos_top_search_target”: 30
Update campaign
To update a campaign you have to send the name, budget, strategy, acos_target and status attributes.
curl -X PUT -H Content-Type:application/json 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$CAMPAIGN_ID -d
"name": "Campanha Principal",
"daily_budget": 225,
"acos_target": 15.0,
"strategy": "visibility"
"status" : "paused",
“acos_top_search_target”: 30
"id": 223493019,
"name": "Campanha Principal",
"user_id": 348252660,
"status": "paused",
"daily_budget": 225,
"acos_target": 15.0,
"strategy": "visibility"
"last_update": "2018-08-23T18:31:11.897Z",
"creation_date": "2018-08-23T18:31:11.897Z",
“acos_top_search_target”: 30
Get item ads
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"ads": [
"item_id": "MLM951330214",
"campaign_id": 316572243,
"user_id": 726488718,
"site_id": "MLM",
"status": "active",
"title": "Item de Test",
"permalink": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"picture_id": "471325-MLA25424154856_032017",
"creation_date": "2017-03-10T02:27:32.325+0000",
"last_update": "2017-03-10T02:27:32.325+0000",
"channel": "marketplace"
Update specific ad
It will include the new status for the updated ad.
curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID?channel=marketplace -d
"status": "active"
"item_id": "MLM951330214",
"campaign_id": 141072850,
"user_id": 246460082,
"site_id": "MLM",
"status": "active",
"title": "Item de Test",
"permalink": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"picture_id": "471325-MLA25424154856_032017",
"creation_date": "2017-03-10T02:27:32.325+0000",
"last_update": "2017-03-10T02:27:32.325+0000",
"channel": "marketplace"
Move ads to campaigns
If you want to move ads from one campaign to another, by default the ads keep their status. If the items (ads) have status paused and you want to move them with status active to another campaign, use the optional field "activate_all": true / false in the body.
curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -d
"user_id": 615162762,
"campaign_id": 321129959,
"items": [
Response: status code 200.
Example moving ads with status active
curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -d
"user_id": 615162762,
"campaign_id": 321129959,
"items": ["MCO834185796"]
Get ads metrics
The date_from and date_to are mandatory parameter to define the start and end date for metrics search.
Mandatory parameter
Limit (numeric): limit of results that receives at most the value 1000.
Offset (numeric)
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$CAMPAIGN_ID/ads/metrics?date_from=$YYYY-MM-DD&date_to=$YYYY-MM-DD&offset=$OFFSET&limit=$LIMIT
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$CAMPAIGN_ID/ads/metrics?date_from=2022-04-22&date_to=2022-04-29&offset=0&limit=2
"paging": {
"total": 29,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 2
"ads": [
"clicks": 0,
"impressions": 0,
"ctr": 0.0,
"cost": 0.0,
"cpc": 0.0,
"acos": 0.0,
"item_id": "MLC1030509956",
"sold_quantity_direct": 0,
"sold_quantity_indirect": 0,
"sold_quantity_total": 0,
"amount_direct": 0.0,
"amount_indirect": 0.0,
"amount_total": 0.0
"clicks": 0,
"impressions": 0,
"ctr": 0.0,
"cost": 0.0,
"cpc": 0.0,
"acos": 0.0,
"item_id": "MLC1046469327",
"sold_quantity_direct": 0,
"sold_quantity_indirect": 0,
"sold_quantity_total": 0,
"amount_direct": 0.0,
"amount_indirect": 0.0,
"amount_total": 0.0
Response fields
clicks: ad clicks quantity in this time period.
impressions: the times quantity your ads are shown with Mercado Ads on Mercado Libre pages in this time period.
ctr: Click Through Rate. Ad clicks quantity in relation with ad impressions quantity.
cos: The total cost generated by the clicks received in your Mercado Ads.
cpc: cost per click, it is the average of the ad.
sold_quantity_direct: Direct sale when a user clicks on your ad and buys that product.
sold_quantity_indirect: Assisted sale when a user clicks on your ad and buys another one of your products.
sold_quantity_total: sold_quantity_direct + sold_quantity_indirect.
amount_direct: Amount for direct sales.
amount_indirect: Amount for indirect sales
Get campaign metrics
As the previous endpoint, the date_from and date_to are mandatory parameter to define the start and end date for metrics search.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$CAMPAIGN_ID/metrics?date_from=$YYYY-MM-DD&date_to=$YYYY-MM-DD
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"days": [
"date": "2022-08-01",
"clicks": 5,
"impressions": 564,
"ctr": 0.89,
"cost": 1.16,
"cpc": 0.23,
"acos": 0.0,
"impression_share": 0.0,
"lost_impression_share_by_budget": 0.0,
"lost_impression_share_by_ad_rank": 0.0,
"acos_benchmark": 0,
"sold_quantity_direct": 0,
"sold_quantity_indirect": 0,
"sold_quantity_total": 0,
"amount_direct": 0.0,
"amount_indirect": 0.0,
"amount_total": 0.0
Response fields
impression_share: percentage of times that your ads are shown considering the all times that your ads can be shown. Impressions seller wins.
lost_impression_share_by_budget: percentage of times that your ads are not shown considering the all times that your ads can be shown and you lose because your budget is too low.
lost_impression_share_by_ad_rank: percentage of times that your ads are not shown considering the all times that your ads can be shown and you lose because your rank is lower than other sellers.
acos_benchmark: Acos target used by ads with good results in impressions and sales.
Error Code | Details | Solution | |
400 | Bad Request: Any wrong information in input data | Service body will provide information about any wrong data in the provided input parameters. (Url params, Query params, Body, etc) | |
401 | Unauthorized: Failed authentication | Send request with a valid login token. | |
404 | Not found: Any request with a wrong path | Send request with a correct path. | |
429 | Client Error: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. | Reduce requests throughput. | - |
5xx | Internal Server Error | Please, contact Support |