Documentación Mercado Libre

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Última actualización 21/12/2022

Shipping fee calculator

Before list an item, you can get the shipping costs for the global user by submitting the product dimensions. This calculation is approximate according to the available sites for each user. See more about how we calculate the shipping cost of your products.

Mercado Libre Front view


→Get shipment cost presales
→Response fields

Get shipment cost presales


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET$LENGTHx$HEIGHTx$WIDTH,$WEIGHT


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET,60.35


        "list_cost": 9.61,
        "site_id": "MCO",
        "currency": "USD",
        "logistic_type": "remote",
        "weight": {
            "unit": "lb",
            "net_value": 4,
            "volumetric_value": 4.564
        "billable_weight": {
            "unit": "lb",
            "value": 4.564,
            "type": "volumetric"
        "list_cost": 21.03,
        "site_id": "MLM",
        "currency": "USD",
        "logistic_type": "remote",
        "weight": {
            "unit": "lb",
            "net_value": 4,
            "volumetric_value": 4.564
        "billable_weight": {
            "unit": "lb",
            "value": 4.564,
            "type": "volumetric"
        "list_cost": 14.35,
        "site_id": "MLB",
        "currency": "USD",
        "logistic_type": "remote",
        "weight": {
            "unit": "lb",
            "net_value": 4,
            "volumetric_value": 4.564
        "billable_weight": {
            "unit": "lb",
            "value": 3.999,
            "type": "net"
        "list_cost": 18.39,
        "site_id": "MLC",
        "currency": "USD",
        "logistic_type": "remote",
        "weight": {
            "unit": "lb",
            "net_value": 4,
            "volumetric_value": 4.564
        "billable_weight": {
            "unit": "lb",
            "value": 4.564,
            "type": "volumetric"
        "list_cost": 7.65,
        "site_id": "MLM",
        "currency": "USD",
        "logistic_type": "fulfillment",
        "weight": {
            "unit": "lb",
            "net_value": 4,
            "volumetric_value": 4.564
        "billable_weight": {
            "unit": "lb",
            "value": 4.564,
            "type": "volumetric"
        "list_cost": 6.61,
        "site_id": "MLC",
        "currency": "USD",
        "logistic_type": "fulfillment",
        "weight": {
            "unit": "lb",
            "net_value": 4,
            "volumetric_value": 4.564
        "billable_weight": {
            "unit": "lb",
            "value": 5.706,
            "type": "volumetric"
The response returns information about the seller's active sites.

Response fields

list_cost: shipment cost

site_id: site where the cost was calculated

currency: money type in dollars

logistic_type: type of logistics that the site has set


  • unit: unit that was used. Example: g (grammes), lb (pound)
  • net_value: net weight
  • volumentric_value: volumetric value

billable_weight: weight that was used for the calculation


Error Message Solution
400 Dimension is not valid. The valid format is: HeightxWidthxLength,Weight. Check the valid format for calculation.
400 The submitted dimensions and/or weights do not correspond to real measurements of the package. Use the correct dimensions of the package that you'll use to dispatch your product, as well as the net weight of the item.
404 User X is not a cbt user. Its available only for global user. See more Users API.
400 Country is empty or invalid. The global user should be from China or the United States. See more Users API.
404 Country id AU is disabled to work with this endpoint.

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