Documentation Mercado Libre

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Last update 16/08/2024

Developer Partner Program

The Developer Partner Program allows us to ensure the proper use of our open platform, with the goal of providing certified and complementary applications to numerous Mercado Livre sellers. Here, we will detail the criteria we consider when selecting partners, as well as the benefits we offer to help them improve and expand their applications.


→1. How the Program Works
→2. Requirements to apply for the program
→3. Certified Applications
↳3.1 Medal maintenance
↳3.2 Initiatives assignment process
↳3.3 Medal Changes
↳3.3.1 Medal upgrade
↳3.3.2 Medal quarantine and downgrade
↳3.4 Medal regionalization
→4. Program benefits

1. How the Program Works

The Developer Partner Program is based on a system of certification levels and medals. As integrations reach certain milestones and meet specific requirements, they can advance through different levels and unlock greater benefits.

2. Requirements for applying to the program

To apply for our DPP, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Application: Formalize the application in the following form
  • GMV: Have ML sellers using your solution that bill at least the following monthly GMV values per country:

  • Country Monthly GMV (USD)
    Brazil 2.500.000
    Argentina 1.500.000
    México 1.000.000
    Chile 200.000
    Uruguai 200.000
    Colômbia 200.000
    Peru 100.000

    GMV(e) is the monthly revenue, in dollars, of active users. Through this metric, it's possible to define what type of clients use each application, considering their revenue, transactions, account size, etc.

  • Security Assessment: Complete a Security Assessment and pass it with 65% or more.
  • Initiative Development: Develop the minimum required initiatives assigned by an Integration Expert who will accompany you through the certification process and guide you in building a complementary and competitive integration within the partner ecosystem.
  • The delivery speed of these initiatives must adhere to the deadlines established for the SILVER medal.

    There are minimum required developments depending on the category the partner aspires to be certified in. These are not static and may vary as our platform evolves.

    3. Certified Applications

    3.1 Medal Maintenance

    Once the minimum SILVER certification level is reached, the main requirement that ensures the maintenance of the medal, or even upgrade/downgrade to different levels, is the speed of developing new assigned initiatives.

    This requirement guarantees that your application is up-to-date and maintains a quality level aligned with Mercado Libre's standard

    There are 3 types of initiatives:

    1. Mandatory changes: These are required when changes occur or when we deprecate features that directly impact sellers' operations. They’re communicated through the news section of the Developers site, and the development adaptation deadline is 15 days.

    2. New initiatives: These are quarterly initiatives assigned to partners based on the impact they have on sellers using their applications. Delivery deadlines are determined by the priority defined by Mercado Libre and the medal level of the application.

    Development Priority Detail Silver Gold Platinum
    Urgent Performance, security, and/or regulatory issues. 8 hours and post mortem within 48 hours 8 hours and post mortem within 48 hours 8 hours and post mortem within 48 hours
    High (P0) Processes that have or present changes to be developed in a short period of time as they impact the seller's operations 60 50 40
    Medium (P1) Functionality that progressively needs to be implemented, but has time to be develop 75 65 55
    Low (P2) Complementary initiatives to existing functionalities 80 75 70

    The indicated deadlines are in calendar days.

    3. Technical debt: During the quarter and at Mercado Libre's discretion, partners may be assigned initiatives that involves:

    • Improvements in the quality and use of the application's resources.
    • Carry overs: initiatives that were not previously prioritized.

    Delivery deadlines for this type of development will be determined based on impact and medal level.

    3.2 Initiative Assignment Process

    Up to 4 initiatives per quarter (Q) will be assigned through the JIRA platform.

    • 2 high priority
    • 2 medium priority

    *Excluding mandatory changes and technical debt.

    3.3 Medal Changes

    3.3.1 Medal Upgrade

    If a partner wishes to achieve the next level of certification, they must meet the delivery deadlines of the desired medal level, for at least two consecutive quarters. For example, if your application is SILVER and you wish to reach the GOLD or PLATINUM medal, you must deliver initiatives at GOLD or PLATINUM speed for 6 consecutive months The medal upgrade will be reflected in the Partner Center the next month after the second quarter delivery deadlines . It will impact in all the countries the application is certified.

    3.3.2 Quarantine and Medal Downgrade

    If the development deadlines for initiatives are not met, the partner will enter a "yellow" Quarantine. This means:

  • Your application will no longer be visible in the Partner Center in all the countries the APP is certified.
  • You will maintain access to the support ticketing system, with the same SLA, to help you complete the development and validate it.
  • A 40-day period will begin. If within this period we receive and validate the delayed delivery, the quarantine will be lifted and the app will return to the Partner Center with its previous medal.

If the first 40 days pass without receiving or validating the development delivery, the partner will enter "red" Quarantine. In this new 40- day period:

  • If delivered within the timeframe, the application will return to the Partner Center with a lower medal tthan before. For example, if it was Platinum, it will return as Gold. If the application was Silver, it will lose its certification.
  • If not delivered on the stipulated date, the certification from Mercado Libre will be removed.

  • 3.4 Medal regionalization

    All certified applications can request regionalization through the candidate form. In this form, the partner must declare compliance with specific developments in the countries where they aspire to expand their operations.

    Example: peculiarities in local billing flows in different countries, translating the tool into Portuguese or Spanish, etc.

    Once applied, it will impact the Partner Center with the same medal level it had in the country of origin.

    From the Open Platform team, we ensure the proper use of our open platform and maintain the partner ecosystem through continuous improvement of our Partner Program. We will continue reviewing benefits and quality requirements to help you scale your tools and provide the best experience to our Mercado Livre sellers.

    4. Program Benefits

    Becoming part of the program will grant you different benefits, discover what they are!

    Partner Silver Partner Gold Partner Platinum
    Certification medal
    IX focal role for strategic initiatives *Defined by Meli
    Exposure in our Partner Center Low Medium High
    Integrator support SLA responses (ARG business hours) 2 days 1 day 3 hours
    Access to Slack community
    Transactionality: Direct hiring
    Participation in exclusive partner events (Q&A with leaders, summits, MeliXP, etc)
    Seller recommendation on strategic initiatives (defined by Meli)
    Featured section distinction in the Partner Center (monthly rotation)