Documentación Mercado Libre

Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
circulos azuis em degrade


Última actualización 25/03/2024


Starting May 6, 2024, all return resources at$CLAIM_ID/returns will be deprecated, and you will only be able to access the information by calling$CLAIM_ID/returns.

We invite you to modify your integration to continue working with returns as usual.
Both resources will coexist starting March 21, 2024.

The /post-purchase/v2/claims/$CLAIM_ID/ each return details $CLAIM_ID with types, subtypes and status.

In Mercado Libre we work with diffent types of returns:

  • claim: return created through a claim
  • dispute: return through mediation
  • automatic: automatic return

Identify a return

To correctly identify a return, we make the following recommendations:

  • Subscribe to the claims notifications (feed claims) which contains the order information where it caused.
  • Check claims API in the resource /post-purchase/v1/claims/search, validating if the type is "return".

Consult a return

To consult a return you must call /post-purchase/v2/claims/$CLAIM_ID/returns, specifying the $CLAIM_ID, examples below:

Request example:

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$CLAIM_ID/returns


        "last_updated": "2024-01-11T16:03:22.2+00:00",
        "shipping": {
            "id": 42998970748,
            "status": "delivered",
            "tracking_number": "101010622106990",
            "lead_time": {
                "estimated_delivery_time": {
                    "date": "2024-01-17T00:00:00.000-03:00"
            "status_history": [
                    "status": "handling",
                    "substatus": null,
                    "date": "2024-01-11T12:01:35.576-04:00"
                    "status": "ready_to_ship",
                    "substatus": "ready_to_print",
                    "date": "2024-01-11T12:02:06.839-04:00"
                    "status": "shipped",
                    "substatus": null,
                    "date": "2024-01-11T12:02:10.839-04:00"
                    "status": "delivered",
                    "substatus": null,
                    "date": "2024-01-11T12:02:14.280-04:00"
            "origin": {
                "type": "selling_address",
                "sender_id": 1632520187,
                "shipping_address": {
                    "address_id": 1350834413,
                    "address_line": "Calle 34 123",
                    "street_name": "Calle 34",
                    "street_number": "123",
                    "comment": "23  Entre: 67 y 54",
                    "zip_code": "5000",
                    "city": {
                        "id": "TUxBQ0NBUGNiZGQx",
                        "name": "Córdoba"
                    "state": {
                        "id": "AR-X",
                        "name": "Córdoba"
                    "country": {
                        "id": "AR",
                        "name": "Argentina"
                    "neighborhood": {
                        "id": null,
                        "name": null
                    "municipality": {
                        "id": null,
                        "name": null
                    "types": [
                    "latitude": -31.010405,
                    "longitude": -64.075891,
                    "geolocation_type": "APPROXIMATE"
            "destination": {
                "name": "seller_address"
        "refund_at": "delivered",
        "date_closed": "2024-01-11T12:03:22.464-04:00",
        "resource": "order",
        "date_created": "2024-01-11T16:01:34.936+00:00",
        "claim_id": 5243352643,
        "status_money": "refunded",
        "resource_id": 2000007357691104,
        "type": "automatic",
        "subtype": null,
        "status": "closed",
        "warehouse_review": {
            "product_condition": "saleable",
            "product_destination": "buyer",
            "benefited": false

Response parameters description

  • last_updated: return last update.
  • shipping: shipping detail of the return.
    • id: identification number of the shipment.
    • status: status of the shipment.
    • tracking_number tracking number of the return shipment.
    • lead_time:
      • estimated_delivery_time: estimated time of arrival of the return shipment.
        • date: estimated date of arrival of the return shipment.
    • status_history: represents the history of the states through which the return shipment has passed.
      • status: are the states through which the return shipment can pass:
          • pending: when the shipment is generated.
          • ready_to_ship: label ready to ship.
          • shipped: shipped.
          • not_delivered: not delivered.
          • delivered: delivered.
          • cancelled: shipment canceled.
      • substatus: null
      • date: status date.
    • origin: address of origin of the return shipment.
  • refund_at: when the money is returned to the buyer.
    • shipped: when the buyer dispatches the return shipment.
    • delivered: 3 days after the seller receives the shipmen.
    • n/a: or low cost cases a return is not generated.
  • date_closed: date on which the return ends.
  • resource: name of the resource to which the return is associated.
  • date_created: date on which the return is created.
  • claim_id: the ID of the claim to which the return is associated.
  • status_money: state in which the money of the return is.
    • retained: money in account but not available, retained.
    • refunded: money returned to the buyer.
    • available: money available on account.
  • resource_id: resource ID.
  • type: return type;
    • claim: return by claim.
    • dispute: return by mediation.
    • automatic: automatic return.
  • subtype: the subtype of return.
    • low_cost: automatic return of low cost type.
    • return_partial: automatic return of type return partial.
  • status: status through which a return can pass.
    • Return status:
        • opened: opened: when the buyer initiates a complaint to Mercado Libre for a return.
        • shipped: return shipped, money held.
        • closed: final status of the return at the end of the return and the associated claim_id.
        • delivered: sent by hand to the seller.
        • not_delivered: return not delivered.
        • cancelled: return canceled, money available.
        • failed: return failed.
        • expired: return expired.
  • warehouse_review: result of the triage process done in the warehouse (product review), this array has information only if the "destination" attribute is equal to warehouse, otherwise it is null.
    • product_condition:
      • saleable: means that the product is fit to be sold again and restock is done automatically.
      • unsaleable: the product is not in saleable condition.
      • discard: the product is discarded because it is different from the one the buyer got from the transaction and had to return, for example a stone.
    • product_destination: can be "buyer", "seller" or "meli".
    • benefited:
      • the seller is refunded the money from the sale.
      • false: the buyer is refunded the money from the transaction.
The /shipments/$SHIPMENT_ID/costs resource returns the shipment cost from user.


The following are the error messages that the resource may respond to, and which await corrective action:

1. The claim does NOT exist (not_found_error):

        "code": 404,
        "error": "not_found_error",
        "message": "Error executing GET [client:claims]",
        "cause": null

2. You do not have permission to access the resource (unauthorized_request_error):

        "code": 401,
        "error": "unauthorized_request_error",
        "message": "{\"message\":\"key: parameter unauthorized owner, status_code:401\",\"error\":\"access_token_verification_fails\",\"status\":401,\"cause\":[\"access_token_verification_fails\",\"Error validating access token, is not owner\",401]}",
        "cause": null

3. An error occurs with authentication -token- (unauthorized_request_error):

        "code": 401,
        "error": "unauthorized_request_error",
        "message": "Invalid",
        "cause": null